Source code for sb3_contrib.qrdqn.policies

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type

import torch as th
from gym import spaces
from stable_baselines3.common.policies import BasePolicy
from stable_baselines3.common.torch_layers import (
from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import Schedule
from torch import nn

class QuantileNetwork(BasePolicy):
    Quantile network for QR-DQN

    :param observation_space: Observation space
    :param action_space: Action space
    :param n_quantiles: Number of quantiles
    :param net_arch: The specification of the network architecture.
    :param activation_fn: Activation function
    :param normalize_images: Whether to normalize images or not,
         dividing by 255.0 (True by default)

    def __init__(
        observation_space: spaces.Space,
        action_space: spaces.Space,
        features_extractor: nn.Module,
        features_dim: int,
        n_quantiles: int = 200,
        net_arch: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.ReLU,
        normalize_images: bool = True,

        if net_arch is None:
            net_arch = [64, 64]

        self.net_arch = net_arch
        self.activation_fn = activation_fn
        self.features_extractor = features_extractor
        self.features_dim = features_dim
        self.n_quantiles = n_quantiles
        action_dim = self.action_space.n  # number of actions
        quantile_net = create_mlp(self.features_dim, action_dim * self.n_quantiles, self.net_arch, self.activation_fn)
        self.quantile_net = nn.Sequential(*quantile_net)

    def forward(self, obs: th.Tensor) -> th.Tensor:
        Predict the quantiles.

        :param obs: Observation
        :return: The estimated quantiles for each action.
        quantiles = self.quantile_net(self.extract_features(obs, self.features_extractor))
        return quantiles.view(-1, self.n_quantiles, self.action_space.n)

    def _predict(self, observation: th.Tensor, deterministic: bool = True) -> th.Tensor:
        q_values = self(observation).mean(dim=1)
        # Greedy action
        action = q_values.argmax(dim=1).reshape(-1)
        return action

    def _get_constructor_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        data = super()._get_constructor_parameters()

        return data

[docs]class QRDQNPolicy(BasePolicy): """ Policy class with quantile and target networks for QR-DQN. :param observation_space: Observation space :param action_space: Action space :param lr_schedule: Learning rate schedule (could be constant) :param n_quantiles: Number of quantiles :param net_arch: The specification of the network architecture. :param activation_fn: Activation function :param features_extractor_class: Features extractor to use. :param features_extractor_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the features extractor. :param normalize_images: Whether to normalize images or not, dividing by 255.0 (True by default) :param optimizer_class: The optimizer to use, ``th.optim.Adam`` by default :param optimizer_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, excluding the learning rate, to pass to the optimizer """ def __init__( self, observation_space: spaces.Space, action_space: spaces.Space, lr_schedule: Schedule, n_quantiles: int = 200, net_arch: Optional[List[int]] = None, activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.ReLU, features_extractor_class: Type[BaseFeaturesExtractor] = FlattenExtractor, features_extractor_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, normalize_images: bool = True, optimizer_class: Type[th.optim.Optimizer] = th.optim.Adam, optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): super().__init__( observation_space, action_space, features_extractor_class, features_extractor_kwargs, optimizer_class=optimizer_class, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, normalize_images=normalize_images, ) if net_arch is None: if features_extractor_class == NatureCNN: net_arch = [] else: net_arch = [64, 64] self.n_quantiles = n_quantiles self.net_arch = net_arch self.activation_fn = activation_fn self.net_args = { "observation_space": self.observation_space, "action_space": self.action_space, "n_quantiles": self.n_quantiles, "net_arch": self.net_arch, "activation_fn": self.activation_fn, "normalize_images": normalize_images, } self.quantile_net, self.quantile_net_target = None, None self._build(lr_schedule) def _build(self, lr_schedule: Schedule) -> None: """ Create the network and the optimizer. :param lr_schedule: Learning rate schedule lr_schedule(1) is the initial learning rate """ self.quantile_net = self.make_quantile_net() self.quantile_net_target = self.make_quantile_net() self.quantile_net_target.load_state_dict(self.quantile_net.state_dict()) self.quantile_net_target.set_training_mode(False) # Setup optimizer with initial learning rate self.optimizer = self.optimizer_class(self.parameters(), lr=lr_schedule(1), **self.optimizer_kwargs) def make_quantile_net(self) -> QuantileNetwork: # Make sure we always have separate networks for features extractors etc net_args = self._update_features_extractor(self.net_args, features_extractor=None) return QuantileNetwork(**net_args).to(self.device)
[docs] def forward(self, obs: th.Tensor, deterministic: bool = True) -> th.Tensor: return self._predict(obs, deterministic=deterministic)
def _predict(self, obs: th.Tensor, deterministic: bool = True) -> th.Tensor: return self.quantile_net._predict(obs, deterministic=deterministic) def _get_constructor_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = super()._get_constructor_parameters() data.update( dict( n_quantiles=self.net_args["n_quantiles"], net_arch=self.net_args["net_arch"], activation_fn=self.net_args["activation_fn"], lr_schedule=self._dummy_schedule, # dummy lr schedule, not needed for loading policy alone optimizer_class=self.optimizer_class, optimizer_kwargs=self.optimizer_kwargs, features_extractor_class=self.features_extractor_class, features_extractor_kwargs=self.features_extractor_kwargs, ) ) return data
[docs] def set_training_mode(self, mode: bool) -> None: """ Put the policy in either training or evaluation mode. This affects certain modules, such as batch normalisation and dropout. :param mode: if true, set to training mode, else set to evaluation mode """ self.quantile_net.set_training_mode(mode) = mode
MlpPolicy = QRDQNPolicy
[docs]class CnnPolicy(QRDQNPolicy): """ Policy class for QR-DQN when using images as input. :param observation_space: Observation space :param action_space: Action space :param lr_schedule: Learning rate schedule (could be constant) :param n_quantiles: Number of quantiles :param net_arch: The specification of the network architecture. :param activation_fn: Activation function :param features_extractor_class: Features extractor to use. :param normalize_images: Whether to normalize images or not, dividing by 255.0 (True by default) :param optimizer_class: The optimizer to use, ``th.optim.Adam`` by default :param optimizer_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, excluding the learning rate, to pass to the optimizer """ def __init__( self, observation_space: spaces.Space, action_space: spaces.Space, lr_schedule: Schedule, n_quantiles: int = 200, net_arch: Optional[List[int]] = None, activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.ReLU, features_extractor_class: Type[BaseFeaturesExtractor] = NatureCNN, features_extractor_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, normalize_images: bool = True, optimizer_class: Type[th.optim.Optimizer] = th.optim.Adam, optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): super().__init__( observation_space, action_space, lr_schedule, n_quantiles, net_arch, activation_fn, features_extractor_class, features_extractor_kwargs, normalize_images, optimizer_class, optimizer_kwargs, )
[docs]class MultiInputPolicy(QRDQNPolicy): """ Policy class for QR-DQN when using dict observations as input. :param observation_space: Observation space :param action_space: Action space :param lr_schedule: Learning rate schedule (could be constant) :param n_quantiles: Number of quantiles :param net_arch: The specification of the network architecture. :param activation_fn: Activation function :param features_extractor_class: Features extractor to use. :param normalize_images: Whether to normalize images or not, dividing by 255.0 (True by default) :param optimizer_class: The optimizer to use, ``th.optim.Adam`` by default :param optimizer_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, excluding the learning rate, to pass to the optimizer """ def __init__( self, observation_space: spaces.Space, action_space: spaces.Space, lr_schedule: Schedule, n_quantiles: int = 200, net_arch: Optional[List[int]] = None, activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.ReLU, features_extractor_class: Type[BaseFeaturesExtractor] = CombinedExtractor, features_extractor_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, normalize_images: bool = True, optimizer_class: Type[th.optim.Optimizer] = th.optim.Adam, optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): super().__init__( observation_space, action_space, lr_schedule, n_quantiles, net_arch, activation_fn, features_extractor_class, features_extractor_kwargs, normalize_images, optimizer_class, optimizer_kwargs, )