Source code for sb3_contrib.ars.ars

import copy
import sys
import time
import warnings
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
import torch as th
import torch.nn.utils
from gymnasium import spaces
from stable_baselines3.common.base_class import BaseAlgorithm
from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import BaseCallback
from stable_baselines3.common.evaluation import evaluate_policy
from stable_baselines3.common.policies import BasePolicy
from stable_baselines3.common.save_util import load_from_zip_file
from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import GymEnv, MaybeCallback, Schedule
from stable_baselines3.common.utils import get_schedule_fn, safe_mean

from sb3_contrib.ars.policies import ARSPolicy, LinearPolicy, MlpPolicy
from sb3_contrib.common.vec_env.async_eval import AsyncEval

SelfARS = TypeVar("SelfARS", bound="ARS")

[docs]class ARS(BaseAlgorithm): """ Augmented Random Search: Original implementation: C++/Cuda Implementation: 150 LOC Numpy Implementation: :param policy: The policy to train, can be an instance of ``ARSPolicy``, or a string from ["LinearPolicy", "MlpPolicy"] :param env: The environment to train on, may be a string if registered with gym :param n_delta: How many random perturbations of the policy to try at each update step. :param n_top: How many of the top delta to use in each update step. Default is n_delta :param learning_rate: Float or schedule for the step size :param delta_std: Float or schedule for the exploration noise :param zero_policy: Boolean determining if the passed policy should have it's weights zeroed before training. :param alive_bonus_offset: Constant added to the reward at each step, used to cancel out alive bonuses. :param n_eval_episodes: Number of episodes to evaluate each candidate. :param policy_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the policy on creation :param stats_window_size: Window size for the rollout logging, specifying the number of episodes to average the reported success rate, mean episode length, and mean reward over :param tensorboard_log: String with the directory to put tensorboard logs: :param seed: Random seed for the training :param verbose: Verbosity level: 0 no output, 1 info, 2 debug :param device: Torch device to use for training, defaults to "cpu" :param _init_setup_model: Whether or not to build the network at the creation of the instance """ policy_aliases: ClassVar[Dict[str, Type[BasePolicy]]] = { "MlpPolicy": MlpPolicy, "LinearPolicy": LinearPolicy, } def __init__( self, policy: Union[str, Type[ARSPolicy]], env: Union[GymEnv, str], n_delta: int = 8, n_top: Optional[int] = None, learning_rate: Union[float, Schedule] = 0.02, delta_std: Union[float, Schedule] = 0.05, zero_policy: bool = True, alive_bonus_offset: float = 0, n_eval_episodes: int = 1, policy_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, stats_window_size: int = 100, tensorboard_log: Optional[str] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, verbose: int = 0, device: Union[th.device, str] = "cpu", _init_setup_model: bool = True, ): super().__init__( policy, env, learning_rate=learning_rate, stats_window_size=stats_window_size, tensorboard_log=tensorboard_log, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, verbose=verbose, device=device, supported_action_spaces=(spaces.Box, spaces.Discrete), support_multi_env=True, seed=seed, ) self.n_delta = n_delta self.pop_size = 2 * n_delta self.delta_std_schedule = get_schedule_fn(delta_std) self.n_eval_episodes = n_eval_episodes if n_top is None: n_top = n_delta # Make sure our hyper parameters are valid and auto correct them if they are not if n_top > n_delta: warnings.warn(f"n_top = {n_top} > n_delta = {n_top}, setting n_top = n_delta") n_top = n_delta self.n_top = n_top self.alive_bonus_offset = alive_bonus_offset self.zero_policy = zero_policy self.weights = None # Need to call init model to initialize weight self.processes = None # Keep track of how many steps where elapsed before a new rollout # Important for syncing observation normalization between workers self.old_count = 0 if _init_setup_model: self._setup_model() def _setup_model(self) -> None: self._setup_lr_schedule() self.set_random_seed(self.seed) self.policy = self.policy_class(self.observation_space, self.action_space, **self.policy_kwargs) self.policy = self.weights = th.nn.utils.parameters_to_vector(self.policy.parameters()).detach() self.n_params = len(self.weights) if self.zero_policy: self.weights = th.zeros_like(self.weights, requires_grad=False) self.policy.load_from_vector(self.weights.cpu()) def _mimic_monitor_wrapper(self, episode_rewards: np.ndarray, episode_lengths: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Helper to mimic Monitor wrapper and report episode statistics (mean reward, mean episode length). :param episode_rewards: List containing per-episode rewards :param episode_lengths: List containing per-episode lengths (in number of steps) """ # Mimic Monitor Wrapper infos = [ {"episode": {"r": episode_reward, "l": episode_length}} for episode_reward, episode_length in zip(episode_rewards, episode_lengths) ] self._update_info_buffer(infos) def _trigger_callback( self, _locals: Dict[str, Any], _globals: Dict[str, Any], callback: BaseCallback, n_envs: int, ) -> None: """ Callback passed to the ``evaluate_policy()`` helper in order to increment the number of timesteps and trigger events in the single process version. :param _locals: :param _globals: :param callback: Callback that will be called at every step :param n_envs: Number of environments """ self.num_timesteps += n_envs callback.on_step()
[docs] def evaluate_candidates( self, candidate_weights: th.Tensor, callback: BaseCallback, async_eval: Optional[AsyncEval] ) -> th.Tensor: """ Evaluate each candidate. :param candidate_weights: The candidate weights to be evaluated. :param callback: Callback that will be called at each step (or after evaluation in the multiprocess version) :param async_eval: The object for asynchronous evaluation of candidates. :return: The episodic return for each candidate. """ batch_steps = 0 # returns == sum of rewards candidate_returns = th.zeros(self.pop_size, device=self.device) train_policy = copy.deepcopy(self.policy) # Empty buffer to show only mean over one iteration (one set of candidates) in the logs self.ep_info_buffer = [] callback.on_rollout_start() if async_eval is not None: # Multiprocess asynchronous version async_eval.send_jobs(candidate_weights, self.pop_size) results = async_eval.get_results() for weights_idx, (episode_rewards, episode_lengths) in results: # Update reward to cancel out alive bonus if needed candidate_returns[weights_idx] = sum(episode_rewards) + self.alive_bonus_offset * sum(episode_lengths) batch_steps += np.sum(episode_lengths) self._mimic_monitor_wrapper(episode_rewards, episode_lengths) # Combine the filter stats of each process for normalization for worker_obs_rms in async_eval.get_obs_rms(): if self._vec_normalize_env is not None: # worker_obs_rms.count -= self.old_count self._vec_normalize_env.obs_rms.combine(worker_obs_rms) # Hack: don't count timesteps twice (between the two are synced) # otherwise it will lead to overflow, # in practice we would need two RunningMeanStats self._vec_normalize_env.obs_rms.count -= self.old_count # Synchronise VecNormalize if needed if self._vec_normalize_env is not None: async_eval.sync_obs_rms(self._vec_normalize_env.obs_rms.copy()) self.old_count = self._vec_normalize_env.obs_rms.count # Hack to have Callback events for _ in range(batch_steps // len(async_eval.remotes)): self.num_timesteps += len(async_eval.remotes) callback.on_step() else: # Single process, synchronous version for weights_idx in range(self.pop_size): # Load current candidate weights train_policy.load_from_vector(candidate_weights[weights_idx].cpu()) # Evaluate the candidate episode_rewards, episode_lengths = evaluate_policy( train_policy, self.env, n_eval_episodes=self.n_eval_episodes, return_episode_rewards=True, # Increment num_timesteps too (slight mismatch with multi envs) callback=partial(self._trigger_callback, callback=callback, n_envs=self.env.num_envs), warn=False, ) # Update reward to cancel out alive bonus if needed candidate_returns[weights_idx] = sum(episode_rewards) + self.alive_bonus_offset * sum(episode_lengths) batch_steps += sum(episode_lengths) self._mimic_monitor_wrapper(episode_rewards, episode_lengths) # Note: we increment the num_timesteps inside the evaluate_policy() # however when using multiple environments, there will be a slight # mismatch between the number of timesteps used and the number # of calls to the step() method (cf. implementation of evaluate_policy()) # self.num_timesteps += batch_steps callback.on_rollout_end() return candidate_returns
def _log_and_dump(self) -> None: """ Dump information to the logger. """ time_elapsed = max((time.time_ns() - self.start_time) / 1e9, sys.float_info.epsilon) fps = int((self.num_timesteps - self._num_timesteps_at_start) / time_elapsed) if len(self.ep_info_buffer) > 0 and len(self.ep_info_buffer[0]) > 0: self.logger.record("rollout/ep_rew_mean", safe_mean([ep_info["r"] for ep_info in self.ep_info_buffer])) self.logger.record("rollout/ep_len_mean", safe_mean([ep_info["l"] for ep_info in self.ep_info_buffer])) self.logger.record("time/fps", fps) self.logger.record("time/time_elapsed", int(time_elapsed), exclude="tensorboard") self.logger.record("time/total_timesteps", self.num_timesteps, exclude="tensorboard") self.logger.dump(step=self.num_timesteps) def _do_one_update(self, callback: BaseCallback, async_eval: Optional[AsyncEval]) -> None: """ Sample new candidates, evaluate them and then update current policy. :param callback: callback(s) called at every step with state of the algorithm. :param async_eval: The object for asynchronous evaluation of candidates. """ # Retrieve current parameter noise standard deviation # and current learning rate delta_std = self.delta_std_schedule(self._current_progress_remaining) learning_rate = self.lr_schedule(self._current_progress_remaining) # Sample the parameter noise, it will be scaled by delta_std deltas = th.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0, size=(self.n_delta, self.n_params), device=self.device) policy_deltas = deltas * delta_std # Generate 2 * n_delta candidate policies by adding noise to the current weights candidate_weights =[self.weights + policy_deltas, self.weights - policy_deltas]) with th.no_grad(): candidate_returns = self.evaluate_candidates(candidate_weights, callback, async_eval) # Returns corresponding to weights + deltas plus_returns = candidate_returns[: self.n_delta] # Returns corresponding to weights - deltas minus_returns = candidate_returns[self.n_delta :] # Keep only the top performing candidates for update top_returns, _ = th.max(th.vstack((plus_returns, minus_returns)), dim=0) top_idx = th.argsort(top_returns, descending=True)[: self.n_top] plus_returns = plus_returns[top_idx] minus_returns = minus_returns[top_idx] deltas = deltas[top_idx] # Scale learning rate by the return standard deviation: # take smaller steps when there is a high variance in the returns return_std =[plus_returns, minus_returns]).std() step_size = learning_rate / (self.n_top * return_std + 1e-6) # Approximate gradient step self.weights = self.weights + step_size * ((plus_returns - minus_returns) @ deltas) self.policy.load_from_vector(self.weights.cpu()) self.logger.record("train/iterations", self._n_updates, exclude="tensorboard") self.logger.record("train/delta_std", delta_std) self.logger.record("train/learning_rate", learning_rate) self.logger.record("train/step_size", step_size.item()) self.logger.record("rollout/return_std", return_std.item()) self._n_updates += 1
[docs] def learn( self: SelfARS, total_timesteps: int, callback: MaybeCallback = None, log_interval: int = 1, tb_log_name: str = "ARS", reset_num_timesteps: bool = True, async_eval: Optional[AsyncEval] = None, progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> SelfARS: """ Return a trained model. :param total_timesteps: The total number of samples (env steps) to train on :param callback: callback(s) called at every step with state of the algorithm. :param log_interval: The number of timesteps before logging. :param tb_log_name: the name of the run for TensorBoard logging :param reset_num_timesteps: whether or not to reset the current timestep number (used in logging) :param async_eval: The object for asynchronous evaluation of candidates. :param progress_bar: Display a progress bar using tqdm and rich. :return: the trained model """ total_steps, callback = self._setup_learn( total_timesteps, callback, reset_num_timesteps, tb_log_name, progress_bar, ) callback.on_training_start(locals(), globals()) while self.num_timesteps < total_steps: self._update_current_progress_remaining(self.num_timesteps, total_timesteps) self._do_one_update(callback, async_eval) if log_interval is not None and self._n_updates % log_interval == 0: self._log_and_dump() if async_eval is not None: async_eval.close() callback.on_training_end() return self
[docs] def set_parameters( self, load_path_or_dict: Union[str, Dict[str, Dict]], exact_match: bool = True, device: Union[th.device, str] = "auto", ) -> None: # Patched set_parameters() to handle ARS linear policy saved with sb3-contrib < 1.7.0 params = None if isinstance(load_path_or_dict, dict): params = load_path_or_dict else: _, params, _ = load_from_zip_file(load_path_or_dict, device=device) # Patch to load LinearPolicy saved using sb3-contrib < 1.7.0 # See for name in {"weight", "bias"}: if f"action_net.{name}" in params.get("policy", {}): params["policy"][f"action_net.0.{name}"] = params["policy"][f"action_net.{name}"] del params["policy"][f"action_net.{name}"] super().set_parameters(params, exact_match=exact_match)